Secretariat Instruction MCQ's for Upcoming Election Commission Gilgit Baltistan Test

Secretariat Instruction MCQ's for Upcoming Election Commission Gilgit Baltistan  Test( Mock MCQ's)


All communication received in a separate section known as

A.     Central Registry(Ans)

B.      Section Registry

C.      Official Registry

D.     None of These

Who is responsible for putting up the previous papers and other reference relating to the case.

A.      UDC

B.      LDC 

C.      Naib Qasid

D.     Assistant(Ans)

New file number given by the Assistant in consultation with

A.      Director

B.      Deputy Director

C.     Section Officer(Ans)

D.     Assistant Private Sectary

The file number allocated to receipt should be noted in column ____of diary register.

A.     5

B.      6(Ans)

C.      7

D.     8

Files, which have outlived their utility and are no longer required, may be dispose of as per clause ____of the National Archive Act 1993.

A.      07(Ans)

B.      08

C.      09

D.     10

Who will prepare register of non-current files?

A.     Cashier

B.      Assistant(Ans)

C.      UDC

D.     Stenotypist

No Fresh receipt or case should be submitted to an officer without

A.     Previous Paper(Ans)

B.      Notes

C.      Part file

D.     Loose Paper

All notes should be written as _____

A.     Plain Paper

B.      Letter head Pad

C.      Color paper

D.     Note sheet(Ans)

What does typing mean?

A.      Typing using all of your finger and without looking at the key

B.      Using your typing skills to quick find and obtain information

C.      Commuting Clearly with work colleagues using emails

D.      Being able to handle large amounts of paper works and data

File register fall under categories

A.      A(Ans)

B.      B

C.      C

D.      CD

What does fax document means

A.      Transmitting or receiving a documents by the fax machine(Ans)

B.      Proof reading a document

C.      Printing multiple copy of a documents

D.      Toughing a document away

What categories of record can be destroyed by the ministries themselves?

A.      AB

B.      BC

C.      CD

D.      DE(Ans)

To Properly receive, process, file and report all official document you should

A.      Keep a copy of every document the office has ever produce no matter how travel it.

B.      Have an effective document management system

C.      Photocopy all documents and then take one copy without for a safe keeping

D.      Run and effective diary management system(Ans)

How much period the record can be kept in a record room

A.      4 years(Ans)

B.      5 years

C.      3 years

D.      6 Years

After five years the record transferred to

A.      NAP(Ans)

B.      PNA

C.      PAN

D.      None of these

The responsibility of assistant to maintain the record of suspense case on

A.      Permanent Calendar diary

B.      Ordinary Calendar(Ans)

C.      On casual paper

D.      On movement register

One practical way to bring down office expenditure is to

A.      Keep the office windows open throughout

B.      Send every hone one hour early from work the day

C.      Get staff to send out letter rather than emails

D.      Turnoff unused light and computer to laptops(Ans)

To Create effective presentation and corresponding you should

A.      Have good knowledge of Microsoft office package like word and excel(Ans)

B.      Be able to file away paper work properly

C.      Be prepared plagiarize and copy other people writing

D.      Know how to add and subtract

Disposed of non-current record in accordance with the principal of national Archive Act _____

A.      1983

B.      1993(Ans)

C.      1973

D.      1995

Labels are used for cases which should be disposed of within three Days.

A.      Immediate

B.      Residence

C.      Priority(Ans)

D.      Immediate and Residence


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