Elementary School Teachers Pedagogy MCq's Test Preparation Part

Elementary School Teachers Pedagogy MCq's
Test Preparation Part-I

 1-Pedagogy is the study of___________?

A. Education

B. Teaching Methods(Ans)👈

C. Learning Process

D. Guiding Students

2- in Pedagogy computer is used to____________?

A. To motivate the learner

B. To provide feedback

C. To interact with the learner

D. For all the above (Ans) 👈

3- Most important work of teacher is___________?

A. to organize teaching work (Ans) 👈

B. to evaluate the students

C. to deliver lecture in class

D. to take care of children

5-The word “Pedagogy” means?

A. to understand the child (Ans) 👈

B. to guide the child

C. to lead the child

D. to educate the child

6-Teachers should present information to the students clearly and in interesting way, and relate this new information to the things students:

A. don’t know

B. already know (Ans) 👈

C. willing to know

D. not willing to know

7-The field of study concerned with the construction of thought processes, including remembering, problem solving, and decision-making is called___________? 

A. Education

B. Pedagogy

C. Cognitive Development (Ans) 👈

D. Epistemology

8-The more parts of your brain you use, the more likely you are to __________ information.

A. use

B. miss

C. misuse

D. retain (Ans) 👈

9-The process of reasoning from one or more given statements to reach a logically certain conclusion is called___________?

A. Deductive Reasoning (Ans) 👈

B. Inductive Reasoning

C. Qualitative Reasoning

D. Quantitative Reasoning

10-Education is a process in which knowledge and skills are transferred?

A. from a few persons to few persons

B. from a few persons to a large number of people

C. from a few persons to the next generation (Ans) 👈

D. from a generation to the next generation

11-A Priori knowledge is knowledge that is known independently of_________?

A. analysis

B. information

C. experience (Ans) 👈

D. evidence

12-The philosopher who for the first time mentioned the importance of play (or sports) in education was__________?

A. Socrates

B. Plato

C. Aristotle (Ans) 👈

D. John Locke

13-The idea of practical learning means education should apply to the___________?

A. practice

B. society

C. abstract knowledge

D. real world (Ans) 👈

14-The concept of perennialism in education means school curricula should focus on what is___________?

A. important

B. everlasting (Ans) 👈

C. in demand

D. in need

15-Progressivism believes that education comes from the experience of the__________?

A. child (Ans) 👈

B. teacher

C. principal

D. society

16-Progressivism believes that children learn in a/an____________?

A. closed environment

B. competition

C. isolation

D. community (Ans) 👈

17-A normal human being has ________ senses?

A. 4

B. 5 (Ans) 👈

C. 6

D. 7

18-The idea of teaching the whole child in the “philosophy of pragmatism in education” means teaching students to be good_________?

A. learners

B. thinkers

C. scientists

D. citizens (Ans) 👈

19-Which from the following is NOT among the five senses?

A. vision

B. touch

C. smell

D. thought (Ans) 👈

20-The curriculum of educational institutes should be based on__________?

A. theory

B. practice

C. theory and practice (Ans) 👈

D. theory, practice and research

21-The application of ideas, knowledge and skills to achieve the desired results is called___________?

A. problem solving (Ans) 👈

B. critical thinking

C. reasoned arguments

D. deductive method

22-The branch of philosophy focuses on the nature of reality is_________?

A. Connectionism

B. Epistemology

C. Metaphysics (Ans) 👈

D. Pedagogy

23-In education, __________ is used to make inference about the learning and development of students? 

A. assessment (Ans) 👈

B. evaluation

C. measurement

D. diagnosis

24-Educational psychology is concerned with the scientific study of____________?

A. education

B. philosophy of education

C. human learning ( Ans) 👈

D. teaching methods

25-Progressive education emphasizes learning by___________? 

A. reading

B. writing

C. doing (Ans) 👈

D. enjoying

26-According to famous philosophers, teaching is a/an__________?

A. art (Ans) 👈

B. arts

C. science

D. technique

27-According to John Dewey, which side of the educational process is the basis?

A. economical

B. sociological

C. philosophical

D. psychological (Ans) 👈

28-The role of teacher in inquiry-based learning is of___________?

A. instructor

B. facilitator (Ans) 👈

C. delegator

D. formal authority

29-In cooperative learning method, the role of teacher is of__________?

A. facilitator

B. delegator

C. facilitator and delegator (Ans) 👈

D. delegator and formal authority

30-Dialectic method of inquiry was contributed by___________?

A. Socrates (Ans) 👈

B. Plato

C. Aristotle

D. John Dewey

31-The psychomotor domain involves___________?

A. learning

B. knowledge

C. manner

D. physical movement (Ans) 👈

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